Threat Intelligence Investigations, What Is It?

With the risk of threats making news headlines almost daily around the country, we find that threat intelligence investigations are also rising. The biggest question in today’s nutty world seems to be, are people taking threats seriously or not? Just like the pandemic, threats seem to be a normal activity today. People are threatening everyone for every reason, it is getting to be an insane world. If you don’t like something, it is commonplace to threaten the people you hold responsible for your feelings. We see it in politics, medical settings, companies, and everyday life in society, prompted by anonymous online threats everywhere.

Know The Threat

We have seen a lot of tragic outcomes due to these threats. Injuries and deaths grow by the day almost everywhere we look. Road rages, vehicle rammings, shootings, stabbings, and bomb threats. If you don’t know about the threat, you cannot stay safe from it. Threats can come from anyone at any time in today’s society. It could be work related, an ex, an admirer you don’t even know, it could be from a business deal someone took offense to, it could be veiled or direct threats.

Threat Intelligence Investigations are the locating of threats, analyses to determine the threat’s viability, identifying the person making the threat, and recommending measures to reduce or eliminate the possibility of the threat being carried out. Corporate security teams deal with this all the time. Secret Service deals with it in politics. Most Executive Protection teams should be dealing with it to protect their charges too. Now we see it entering the private investigations and security consulting arenas on a more productive avenue instead of the hit and miss effect that used to happen.

Analyze Threats

Now we see it entering the private investigations and security consulting arenas on a more productive avenue instead of the hit and miss effect that used to happen. Using special technology software, the internet can be scanned for threats to specific persons across the surface and deep or dark webs. Threats need to be analyzed to show if there is intent from the threat maker, ability to carry it out and access to the threatened person to make it happen. Then recommendations for security measures can be initiated to stop the threat from happening, but only if you know about it and do something about it for your safety. It could affect you directly, your family members indirectly or even your business, that is a lot to take a chance with.

Stay Protected

What can this type of investigation be used for? Threats, obviously the first thing, but also Reputation Checks, Whole Person Background Checks and any other service you need to find and analyze information that may be posted somewhere on the vast sections of the internet. Trust the team at ESPI who have decades of hands on experience to ensure everyone and everything you care about is protected.